About Us

Sports have been a passion in our lives since we were old enough to take our first steps. That passion is shared worldwide.

SportsMuseums.com is dedicated to all of the individuals who have not only competed in their chosen sport, but have become the best of the best. These are stories of dedication, perseverance, self-discipline, and frequently, overcoming unbelievable obstacles, to become champions.

Athletes, we salute you.


A Fan's Guide

Sports have been a passion in our lives since we were old enough to take our first steps. That passion is shared worldwide.

Competition can draw out the best in people. Pushed by a desire to finish first, important skills such as discipline, determination and teamwork develop.  

Just having natural ability doesn’t ensure that a player will stand on the top podium; it often takes years of practice combined with physical and mental conditioning to achieve that goal. Physical challenges are overcome, such as athletes who overcame asthma to become world class swimmers. Mental acuity is honed, to perfect skills like timing, aim and coordination.

Those lessons of dedication can be applied beyond the scope of physical accomplishments, as also shown by some of the inductees honored here. Some felt called to become coaches, trainers, officials or leaders to contribute in their own special way. Their contributions proved just as valuable as shown by the honor of induction.

Visiting a sports museum goes beyond seeing trophies and memorabilia. It’s about reading the stories of the inductees, who in so many cases persevered through numerous challenges and hardships in pursuit of their passion to be the best they could be.

SportsMuseums.com is dedicated to all of the individuals who have not only competed in their chosen sport, but have risen to become the best of the best. Their stories provide inspiration to us all.

Athletes, we salute you!
Brad & Jeannine Crooks